Circular Reference Error in Silverlight

I’m working on some demo projects for some presentations I’m doing for the Spring SSWUG .NET Development Virtual Conference.  More on the conference later.  While working on the demo code I ran into an issue when trying to reference one of my base classes.  I kept getting an error related to a circular reference.  I checked all my references in both projects and could not find the issue.  Finally, David Yack gave me a pointer that fixed my problem.  It was a problem with the project dependencies.  To fix this you need to change the dependencies.  To change the dependencies right click on the solution and select “Project Dependencies”.


Make sure that the project you are referencing does not have a reference to the current project.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    Good stuff !!

    I have found that this scenario has somethign to do with adding service references.

    Just playing with the option that you commented and got it working.


  2. puneet Says:

    Adding more to this p=41

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