Silverlight 3 and IE 8 Compatibility – Silverlight Control Not Sizing

I ran into an interesting issue with IE 8 and Silverlight 3 today.  We recently switched over to Silverlight 3 to start testing for the upcoming upgrade.  The Silverlight 3 conversion went pretty smooth and it all worked in the test website we are using in the Silverlight solution.  However, once we moved it to QA the sizing of the ASP.NET Silverlight control was not correct.  It kept cutting the Silverlight stuff short.  Not sure what the deal was, but I was able to fix it by wrapping the ASP.NET Silverlight Control in a div tag.  Wraping the control with this div will get it working but I’m not sure if it is a long term fix.

<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px;">


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