Slides and Samples From My Presentation At The Denver .Net User Group 07/23/2007

This zip file contains everything from my presentation last night.  If you were not able to make it please check out the Power Point because I made it a point to be pretty descriptive on my slides to allow people to review the patterns and make sense out of the demos.  If you have any questions feel free to email me at or just comment on this blog.

A couple of things about the demos.

  1. If you have attended this talk in the past at another user group or code camp, you might want to get and look over this presentation again.  I re-did all the demos and made extensive changes to the slides.  So, take a look.
  2. You must run the script in the “DBScript” folder against you SQL server if you are going to use the SQL server provider.  This script will create the DB, the tables, the stored procedures and finally fill in all the sample data.
  3. After you run the DB script to create your DB you will also have to change the connection string in the SQLDAL.cs file to connect to your SQL server.
  4. I used Access 2007 in the demo, but I have also provided an Access 2003 version for those of you who do not have Access 2007 yet (Shame on you if you don’t… :-))
  5. Again, if you want to use the Access provider you will have to change the connection string in the MSAccessDAL.cs file to point to the proper file.
  6. I had a problem with my Add Vacation decorator demo.  I have not had a chance to fix that yet.  Once I do get it fixed I post the file again to this site.  Hopefully, I will do that in a couple days.

Other than that happy coding.  Please add my blog to your aggregator.  I have already received some good feedback from last night’s talk and I have a few comments of my own that I will be adding out here shortly.

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