.NET Developer Virtual Conference - Update 9/30/2008
Posted On Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at at Tuesday, September 30, 2008 by Ben HJust wanted to update everyone on a couple of things related to the .Net Virtual Conference. In my previous post, I explained the idea of the conference and discussed all the great content that is available. In these hard economic times, getting access to this type of content for $100 is a great opportunity to save some money without compromising the bottom line. Well, things have gotten even better! Announcing a change to the .NET Developer Virtual Conference. Now the .NET Developer Virtual Conference also provides access to the SharePoint, Business Intelligence and the SQL Server virtual conferences. Read the details here. Now you pay the same price ($100) and get access to over 120 session. Pretty awesome. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE FOR ALL CONFERENCES. THE CONFERENCES WILL NOW OCCUR ON NOV. 5th, 6th and 7th. Here is the registration link. Do not miss out on this opportunity to be in the know!
On a personal note I recorded my sessions last week and I think they went pretty well. My WPF talks are not the flashy, shiny WPF sessions you've seen in the past. These sessions will help you with the actual guts of doing a useful WPF application. Leave all that flashy, shiny stuff to those artsy designers and their black turtlenecks.
I was also subjected to an interview that was posted by Chris Shaw. If your interested in my answers to the tough questions in the interview please click here. Please do not be scared away by my ugly mug at the top of the article. If you look around on Chris Shaw's blog you will find some of the interviews with the other presenters.